Flowers and Bottoms


Flowers and Bottoms

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Um homem não identificado senta-se em um quarto escuro e assiste a um filme obscuro intitulado "Flowers and Bottoms".

The flowers are there, from the first instance of romance to the long hours of mourning.
The bottoms are there, vulgar and erogenous, concealed under the notion of obscenity for most of our life. But, in the confines of privacy, they are exposed to the gaze of the other.
Here, a variety of blossoms and bottoms co-exist humorously in a love-letter to those private glances, which we all share. Constantly watching and constantly being watched by the modern-day voyeur, who sits in the dark, bound to his own, personal window into the private lives of others.

Estreia Brasil:
24 de Agosto de 2016
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