


Média geral 4.2
baseado em 15 votos
Sua avaliação:
L - Livre para todos os públicos 85 minutos

85 Minute documentary, narrated by Julie Christie and made for Turner Classic Movie channel to celebrate Garb's 100th Anniversary. From legendary documentarian Kevin Brownlow, "Garbo" offers an intimate look at the life and career of Greta Garbo. Brownlow's unique portrait of the enigmatic actress is drawn through rare footage, new and vintage interviews with biographers and admirers, plus many of the friends, relatives and associates who came closest to penetrating the lonely star's veil of solitude. Her career is illustrated with clips from all her movies, ranging from her early film work in Sweden to such Hollywood triumphs as Anna Christie, Grand Hotel, Camille, Ninotchka and her swan song in 1941's Two-Faced Woman.

Estreia Brasil:
15 de Julho de 2007
Outras datas

Elenco de Garbo

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