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High Kukus

Média geral 2.8
baseado em 3 votos

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Título High Kukus (Original)
Ano produção 1973
Dirigido por
1973 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 3 minutos
Países de Origem


"A visualization of the Zen dictum of 'sitting quietly, doing nothing,' HIGH KUKUS uses a single beautiful visual image while it delights with a poetic soundtrack composed of 14 gems of Broughton's wit and wonder." - Freude Bartlett

"A High Kuku is, of course, a cuckoo haiku. In inventing this form James Broughton has concocted zany verses which are 'high' in the sense that they are often metaphysical and are keenly aware of the metacomedy of things.... In the contemplation of lofty themes most people are serious, though not always sincere. Broughton, however, is always sincere but hardly ever serious. Indeed, seriousness is a questionable virtue; it is gravity rather than levity, and it was that devout Catholic, G.K. Chesterton, who maintained that the angels fly because they take themselves lightly. And, in company with the angels, Broughton laughs with God rather than at him." - Alan Watts



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