His Debt


His Debt

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Goro Mariyama uses the profits from his ethically run gambling house to help the poor. Gambler Blair Whitcomb accuses Goro of cheating, then shoots him after losing a $10,000 bet. Goro survives a punctured lung only through the efforts of nurse Gloria Manning, Blair's fiancée. When Goro confesses his love for Gloria, he is shocked to hear of her engagement. Following his recovery, Goro discovers that Blair has given him a bad check, and demands that the gambler pay his debt in person. Although Blair complies, Goro has him arrested for attempted murder. Gloria pleads for her fiancé's release, revealing that she can never love Goro because he is of a different race. The disappointed Goro enables Blair's escape as payment to Gloria for saving his life.—AFI

Estreia Mundial:
25 de Maio de 1919
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