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  3. > Home of the Brave: A Film by Laurie Anderson
Média geral 4.1
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Título Home of the Brave: A Film by Laurie Anderson (Original)
Ano produção 1986
Dirigido por
1986 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 90 minutos
Países de Origem


Famed performance artist Laurie Anderson both directed and starred in the 90-minute concert film Home of the Brave. While the film refuses to "explain" Anderson to those unfamiliar with her work, it serves as a valuable primer, encouraging the uninitiated to do their own further research. Anderson's non sequitur combinations of music and visuals can be very funny at times, but don't make the mistake of dismissing her as a mere court jester. The film's litmus test is its middle section; you'll either revere or despise Anderson after experiencing this lengthy segment. Among the peripheral personalities in Home of the Brave is legendary self-destructive novelist William Burroughs.

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