I Wanna be Superstar


Wannueng Jaa Pben Superstar / วันหนึ่งจะเป็นซุปตาร์ / I Wanna be Sup'Tar

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Wan Nueng is a girl who has a dream to become a superstar but her parents object. Win Pakorn is a famous actor withdrew from the entertainment world since the exposure of sensitive clips. Wan Wan, his former manager is involved in the video scandal where Win is alleged to be gay. After a period of 5 years living abroad, he returned to Thailand and makes the acquisition of Wan Nueng's house, sold by her parents who want her to study abroad. But when Win returns from overseas, May, his former girlfriend comes back to regain Win's heart.
Wan Nueng is homeless, forced to sneak around and stay in the house that now belonges to Win. When journalist follow Win to the house, he asks the girl to handle it, in exchange for his approval to let her stay there. From a fastidious and irritable guy, Win becomes more friendly and helps Wan Nueng, guiding her acting, to one day maybe become a star.

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