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Título Jimmy Tupper vs. the Goatman of Bowie (Original)
Ano produção 2010
Dirigido por
14 de Março de 2010 ( Mundial )
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Duração 64 minutos
Países de Origem


Jimmy Tupper is a no one, he’s nothing. He spends his days working at a Starbucks in Suburban Maryland and spends his nights drinking and playing Rock Band. His friends see him as the resident stoner and waste of space. One night they decide to pull a prank on poor Jimmy, and while he is passed out drunk they leave him in the middle of the woods. The next day Jimmy is nowhere to be found. When he finally emerges from the woods he is beaten and bloodied and making outlandish claims. He claims to have seen a monster, the famed “Goatman” of Bowie. His friends believe this to be the drunken ramblings of an over excited nitwit, but Jimmy knows better. He heads to the woods determined to capture footage of the elusive creature. Was Jimmy only dreaming? Did he really see a monster? Only time, and Jimmy’s video camera, will tell.

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