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Média geral 3.2
baseado em 4 votos

Ficha técnica completa

Título Kattorna (Original)
Ano produção 1965
Dirigido por
1965 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Países de Origem


This plodding drama has the female manager of a laundry fighting her lesbian leanings towards one of her employees. Marta (Eva Dahlbeck) has eyes for Rike (Gio Petre), a younger woman plagued by promiscuity, alcoholism and thoughts of suicide. When Rike tells the other women her boss made a move on her, the business is halted by a worker revolt. Xenia (Ruth Kasdan) is the Nazi concentration camp survivor who Marta saves when the other women attack her after a hysterical outburst. Slight male romantic interest comes in the form of a young shipping clerk (Per Myhrberg) who often tries to flirt with the women individually but is afraid of them in a group situation.

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