Mission Possible: Kidnapping Granny K


Kwonsoonboon yeoja nabchisageon

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  • Kidnapping Granny K - Estados Unidos da América
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Mrs. KWON has spent lifetime building a small home-made soup business into an empire with her bare hands. Now a retiring millionaire, she’s distributed most of her wealth among her children and is enjoying her life as an independent, tech-savvy granny. A band of less-than-professional criminals kidnaps her in a hope to make an easy fortune but their naïve plan goes all wrong, when the family of their difficult hostage is reluctant to pay the modest ransom of 50,000 dollars. Infuriated by this, Mrs. KWON takes the matter into her own hands and leads the pack in making the biggest kidnap case in history. Will she and her kidnappers be able to get their hands on the 50 million dollar ransom?

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