L'Auberge Du Bon Repos


L'Auberge Du Bon Repos

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"Interior of the bedroom of an inn. There enters a traveler, slightly intoxicated, accompanied by a servant, who carries his baggage. The traveler takes off his hat, his coat and his shoes. The servant places these things upon a clothes-rack in such a way that they resemble the outlines of the back of an old codger. The servant withdraws. A funny scene follows when the drunken chap tries to light his pipe from a candlestick. The candlestick rises in the air, and the flame is put out by a portrait placed in a frame on the wall. The guest lights the candle, and he tries to light his pipe again. A second time the candlestick rises up, and the personage in the picture having become animated swallows candle and candlestick. The fellow jumps backward, bumps up against the clothes-rack. Taking his clothes for an intruder he kicks at them. The boots become animated, and kick him in return. The fellow, enraged, throws himself upon the clothes-rack, which he imagines to be a person, struggles with it and rolls upon the floor, entangled among all his clothes. He restores everything to its former place, but his boots began to dance about the room. The poor intoxicated fellow goes after them, but the boots ascend the wall and disappear in the ceiling. He goes to bed. Immediately the bed begins to dance wildly about the room, then falls upon him, burying him among the covers, mattress and the pieces of the bed. He extricates himself in a rage, restores everything to order again, but just as he attempts to get into bed he finds himself suddenly thrown under it. He crawls out and spies the moon through the casement window. Believing that he has discovered an enemy he strikes the window with a broom, and the window bursts into pieces. The moon reappears on the dial of a clock; then suddenly it assumes the face of a grinning clown. The drunken fellow starts back; he stumbles against a valise. With a kick he sends the valise into the air, where it assumes the form of a demon, whom the fellow tries to catch. The furniture, the washbowl, the pitcher fly into pieces. The proprietor of the hotel and all the guests, awakened by the disturbance, enter the room. Stormy explanations follow, and a battle ensues. The people follow one another, leaping through windows, pictures and mirrors. The proprietor is hit on the head by a board laden with all sorts of objects, and a large portrait falls upon his head. Finally at the moment when the drunken fellow is on the point of being seized, he disappears through a casement and takes refuge on the roof, to the astonishment of all."

- Written By Méliès Catalog.

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