La Soubrette ingénieuse


La Soubrette ingénieuse

Outros títulos
  • Picture Hanging Extraordinary - Estados Unidos da América
  • Ingenious Soubrette - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 5.0
baseado em 1 votos
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2 minutos

The opening of this remarkable and mysterious film brings into view a scene in a parlor, with two servants discussing the easiest way to hang four pictures which are leaning against the wall on the floor. The artful butler suggests to the pretty parlor-maid that she should hang the pictures from the step-ladder which he hastens to secure from an adjoining room. In the meantime the maid mysteriously proceeds to hang the pictures herself by walking up the side of the wall, and after accomplishing this strange feat turns a somersault from the wall into a chair.

Estreia Mundial:
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Elenco de La Soubrette ingénieuse

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