La Statue Animée


La Statue Animée

Outros títulos
  • The Living Statue - Estados Unidos da América
  • The Drawing Lesson - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 3.7
baseado em 12 votos
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L - Livre para todos os públicos 3 minutos

In a corner of the garden we see an ornamental fountain. An old professor comes along, looking for a nice spot where he can teach his pupils. Finding the fountain to his liking he goes after his scholars. A mysterious person who has noticed the old man, by means of a balloon, a handkerchief and a coat, constructs a peculiar figure, doing a lot of tricks at the same time. The professor returns with his class and all prepare for work, when, at the sign of the juggler, the statue comes to life, makes fun of the professor and finally is transformed into a fountain surmounted by a dolphin, throwing up streams of water. The unlucky professor loses his balance, tumbles into the water and gets a shower bath while the pupils sketch the scene. A most laughable subject.

- Written By Lubin Catalog.

Estreia Mundial:
25 de Julho de 1903
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Elenco de La Statue Animée

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