Le Mirage


Le Mirage

Média geral 3.9
baseado em 11 votos
Sua avaliação:
94 minutos

With the natural splendour of Lac Léman as a back-drop, Le Mirage is the story of a woman who believes she can recapture her youth by rediscovering love... with no regard for the inescapable realities of life. Maria Tummler, still quite beautiful despite her fifty years, is suddenly possessed with a consuming passion for a young visiting American, a friend of her son. But neither Jeanne, her friend, nor Anna, her daughter and faithful confidante, have a right to know, even though the young girl can see the emotion in her mother's eyes and is delighted to witness the physical transformation seemingly taking place. Maria is prepared to live this miracle of resuscitated love to its very end, even as some signs of a strange physical weariness begin to invade her new-found sense of well-being.

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