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Título Mercy (Original)
Ano produção 2006
Dirigido por
2006 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 85 minutos
Países de Origem


There is no mercy for John, the ex-con. After twenty plus years of prison he finally has a new lease on life, but picking up the pieces won't be easy. His parole officer is a prick, his landlord is a jerk, and he has been assigned to a repetitive job that will lead to nowhere. At the very least this is the safest way to keep from ending up behind bars … until the nightmares start.

A few weeks after John’s release from the slammer, he starts to awaken from each nightmare missing a part of his body. At first it’s a tooth, then a pinky, and pretty soon larger and more important parts get whisked away in the night. Can John continue his parole if he’s falling apart? Why does a dead woman haunt him? Will no one have mercy on this man?!

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