Neurosis: A Sun That Never Sets


Neurosis: A Sun That Never Sets

Média geral 4.8
baseado em 3 votos
Sua avaliação:
74 minutos

Neurosis' A Sun That Never Sets DVD is a groundbreaking advancement
in the world of independent music. Ranging from eclectic visual art
pieces to thematic music videos for the widely acclaimed album of the
same name, this project re-introduces Neurosis' visual edge in an
entirely new light.

Wit six pieces directed and produced by Neurosis' visual artist Josh
Graham, A Sun That Never Sets also features directorial contributions
from other renowned filmmakers and video artists including Chad Rullman

After fifteen years of undeniably accomplished fusion between sonically
divergent music and methodically hypnotic visuals, this optical encounter
unites the energy of the band's music with their focused lyrical concepts,
bringing the entire Neurosis' experience to life in a way that has not
been seen before now.

Also included in the continued spirit of Neurosis' after ego, Tribes Of
Neurot, is a related seventy minute experimental audio/visual project
only available on this DVD.

Estreia Brasil:
12 de Novembro de 2002
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