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  3. > O Veículo Fantástico
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Título O Veículo Fantástico (Original)
Ano produção 2012
Dirigido por
2012 ( Brasil )
Outras datas
Duração 34 minutos
Países de Origem


“O Veículo Fantástico” documents the efforts of Brazilian bicycle activists to promote bicycle culture in their community through both conventional and radical means. Curitiba, Brazil was awarded the most sustainable city award in 2010 yet has the most cars per capita in Brazil. While marketed as an “Ecological City” it still lacks bike lanes.

This film explains the dangers and difficulty of braving the streets of Curitiba by bike and why it is worth the risk to some. Through the stories of artists, activists, cyclists, and leaders, it illuminates the act of cycling as a step towards creating engaged citizens and building healthy communities. Within their unique set of cultural and spatial limits, Curitiba’s bicycle activists continue to work on shaping their society through actions such as a month long bike festival, critical mass rides, and even painting their own bike lanes.



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