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Título Print Generation (Original)
Ano produção 1974
Dirigido por
1974 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 50 minutos
Países de Origem


“The film begins with glimpses of a series of shimmering red points of light which, through succeeding generations, begin to reveal the definition of a figure or an object. The sparkling reds – actually the last vestige of light held by a tiny crystal of emulsion – transform into whites, then the shock of blue-green is discovered, separating next into blue and green and combining for secondary colors in what by now is a recognizable representation. Once the images are brought up to full color, the movie heads back toward abstraction. A viewer, having built a picture from an abstract pattern of dots, now must literally choose what is seen, whether to hold memory’s trace of the representation or swim into the dancing crystalline waters of emulsion. It’s a wonderful choice, a fine film.” —Anthony Bannon



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