Quality of life.


Quality of life

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Meet Michael "Heir" Rosario, the most prolific and talented graffiti writer from the Mission District in San Francisco. At age ten, in a desperate search for fame and identity, Heir began writing his name on surrounding urban landscapes. More than a decade later, Heir has evolved into a brilliant street artist. With the support of his best friend and partner-in-crime, Curtis "Vain" Smith, Heir has covertly decorated the canvases of concrete and steel throughout the Bay Area. However, when Heir and Vain are arrested for painting, their secret identities are revealed and creative outlets abruptly severed. Faced with restitution and the prospect of serving hard time, Heir and Vain struggle to maintain their creative passion. The paths they choose threaten to unravel their lifelong friendship and, ultimately, their lives. Written by Brant Smith

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