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Título Queering the Script (Original)
Ano produção 2019
Dirigido por
2019 ( Mundial )
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Queerness on television has moved from subtext, in series such as "Xena: Warrior Princess", to all- out multi season relationships between women, as seen on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Lost Girl", and "Carmilla". But things still aren't perfect. In 2016, a record number of queer women died on fictional shows, which broke the hearts of queer fans and launched a successful fight for better, more diverse LGTBQ2S+ representation. Stars such as Ilene Chaiken, Stephanie Beatriz, Lucy Lawless and Angelica Ross join with the voices of numerous kickass fangirls in this fast-paced history of queer women's representation of contemporary television. QUEERING THE SCRIPT not only charts the evolution of queerness, but also demonstrates the extraordinary impact of activism on its many diverse fans, ensuring that they see themselves accurately portrayed on screen.




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