Rimrock Jones


Rimrock Jones

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In the mining town of Gunsight, an unscrupulous lawyer named Andrew McBain applies the obscure "Apex Law" to trick Rimrock Jones out of his newly discovered copper mine. Undaunted, the reckless young prospector locates an even richer mine. Having no money to develop the Tecolote, Rimrock borrows $2,000 from stenographer Mary Fortune, who, when the mine proves its worth, decides to retain a vote on the board rather than take back her loan. Plagued by deafness, Mary travels to New York to consult a specialist, followed by Rimrock, who now loves her. Stoddard, a Wall Street financier who has designs on Rimrock's mine, hires a vamp named Hazel Hardesty to detain Rimrock in the East, but Mary returns to Gunsight in time to prevent Stoddard from taking control of the Tecolote. Rimrock reappears to save Mary from Stoddard's gang, after which he locks the loyal Mary in an embrace.

Estreia Mundial:
21 de Janeiro de 1917
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