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12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos

"RoboWoman" follows Vivica Stevens on her last night at a temp agency as she accepts a date with a persistent co-worker. Soon she finds herself cornered in a dark park at night and brutally attacked, raped and left for dead by her date and his deranged friends. She's found barely alive by her roommate Carlene and undergoes illegal, experimental "cybernetic" surgery where she is given a replacement robotic arm and visor to correct her vision. However, the cybernetic surgery causes havoc to her brain, as well as to her body. Before long, she decides to seek revenge with the aid of her new attachments. One by bloody one, she stalks and kills her attackers before the shocking and revealing conclusion.

Estreia Mundial:
11 de Abril de 2019
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