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  3. > Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi 2012 Aki
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Título 最後から二番目の恋 2012秋 (Original)
Ano produção 2012
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2012 ( Brasil )
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It is the end of summer 2012. Drama producer Yoshino Chiaki is put in a difficult situation when her work is dramatically reduced because of the flop of her drama series 'Love Has Yet To End'. On the other hand, Nagakura Wahei, an employee of the Kamakura City Municipal Office, begins working under a boss who is younger than himself. Life has been gloomy for the two of them. As for the other members of the Nagakura household, Shinpei runs the cafe 'Nagakura' at the family home while dating Ohashi Tomomi; his twin sister Mariko has feelings for Chiaki and is still working under her as a staff member. Their elder sister Noriko has planned a family holiday to Hawaii, but her husband and son are unenthusiastic. It is still the same old life for her. As for the love between Chiaki and Wahei, that continues to be on "funky" terms. Meanwhile, Chiaki is finally assigned a drama by her boss. However, the contents are that of a suspense drama which is genre that she is bad at. Moreover, the scriptwriter will be Haida Mamoru who is famous for being slow in the industry for writing a script. At the same time, Wahei, who has been ordered by his younger boss to charm the novelist Sakisaka Midoriko to be Kamakura's goodwill ambassador, with the aim of getting the city added to the world heritage list keeps getting rejected. Both Chiaki and Wahei are vexed...

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