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  3. > Scary True Stories 3: Realm of Spectres
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baseado em 4 votos

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Título 新 ホント に あった 怖い 話: 有限-会 (Original)
Ano produção 1992
Dirigido por
24 de Julho de 1992 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 60 minutos
Países de Origem


Anthology with four horror stories.

- Be Gone Crone!
A young girl quickly learns whether an urban legend incantation works or not.

- My Friend at the Stairwell
The new girl at school finds that she can see and hear the subject of the school's urban legend and decides to try to help the mournful ghost.

- Paralysis
A young female professional experiences a truly bizarre and frightful night after a seemingly innocent evening.

- The Black Hair at the Abandoned Building
Three adventure-seeking young people lurk through a supposedly haunted building only to find to their great demise that yes... it is MAJORLY HAUNTED!




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