The Big Sister


The Big Sister

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Escaping Nifty Mendez, a slave trader who framed their father, Betty Norton and younger brother Jimmy are on the run when the boy is hit by a car that fractures his leg. The driver, Rodney Channing, insists on hosting Jimmy during his convalescence and so, dating the beautiful Betty, he falls in love with her and the couple begin to plan a future together.

But Mendez, having learned of the thing, threatens the girl, whose father is in prison: if he does not pay for her silence, he will reveal her past to the betrothed, thus messing up the wedding. Betty, however, does not give in to blackmail: she herself writes a letter to Rodney where she tells him her story and then runs away.

When Mendez is killed in a showdown, Betty is free. Rodney, who was looking for her, finally finds her: he doesn't care about his father, he just wants her. The doors of a radiant future open wide to the two.

Estreia Mundial:
7 de Setembro de 1916
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