The Boy From Ipanema


The Boy From Ipanema

Outros títulos
  • Ipanema Sonyeo 이파네마 소년 - Coreia do Sul
Dirigido por:
Média geral 4.1
baseado em 7 votos
Sua avaliação:
95 minutos

A boy, who surfs every day, meets a broken hearted girl on the beach. The girl tries to forget her past while the boy suffers because an old memory of his past love is fading away. As time flows, the two fall in love with each other, but being bound to their past, they are both insecure. The film is a melodrama that shows the pure love of the two as well as the heartbreak of a breakup. The animation, Busan and Sapporo’s beautiful scenery brings up memories of the past.

Estreia Mundial:
4 de Novembro de 2010
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