The Fear of Speed


The Fear of Speed

Outros títulos
  • The Fast and the Dangerous - Alemanha
  • The Ultimate Fear of Speed - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 1.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
90 minutos

A woman attempts to overcome her paralyzing fear of speed in order to win an underground racing competition and prevent her friends from falling prey to a vicious drug lord in director Jeff Centauri's sexy thrill-ride. If there's one thing Brittany Sears can't stand, it's going fast. When Hornero Martino and his thuggish son Rico begin preying on Brittany's friends, however, the girl who spent her whole life in the slow land finally finds the courage to put the peddle to the metal thanks to her fast-driving boyfriend Max Spears. With little time to lose before the Martinos pull out their secret weapon, Brittany, Max, and fearsome fighter Zendo all set out save the day and rescue their pals.

Estreia Mundial:
1 de Outubro de 2002
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