The Lure of Jade


The Lure of Jade

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Rear Admiral Vincent's daughter Sara, has a passion for collecting jade, was previously been in love with Captain Corey, but she insisted that he marry his fiancee, Alida, who remains intensely jealous of Sara. At a party Captain Willing jokingly boasts of the superiority of his jade collection and invites Sara to see it; they are locked in a room by his servant, and Sara, forced to exit by the bedroom window, is seen by Alida, whose gossip causes Sara to be ostracized. As a result, Vincent suffers a stroke and dies, and Sara swears revenge on Alida. Fifteen years on, she is a hotel owner on a South Sea island where fate sends Captain Corey, Alida, and their young son, Allan. Sara plots with Beresford to compromise Alida, but Allan, in a drunken fit, kills Beresford. Sara takes the blame to save him, leaving the Coreys' happiness untouched.

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