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  3. > The Passionate Plumber
Média geral 3.9
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Ficha técnica completa

Título The Passionate Plumber (Original)
Ano produção 1932
Dirigido por
6 de Fevereiro de 1932 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 74 minutos
Países de Origem


Elmer Tuttle, a plumber in Paris, is enlisted by beautiful Patricia Alden to help her make her lover Tony Lagorce jealous. Tony, however, is two-timing Patricia with Nina Estrados. Elmer, with the help of his friend Julius, hopes to use the high-society contacts he's made with Patricia to find a market for his new invention, a pistol with a range-finding light. But Elmer's attempts to interest a military leader are mistaken for assassination attempts, and with Tony and half the male uppercrust of France challenging Elmer to duels, he is in hot water not even his plumbing skills can drain away.

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