O Rio de Pedra


The Stone River

Média geral 3.5
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
88 minutos

An underground but mighty river links the cities of Carrara in Tuscany and Barre in Vermont, USA. It is a river that carries with it the tragic epic of an entire community of emigrants from all over Europe engaged in the everlasting and titanic struggle against stone. It rises from the quarries of the Apuan Alps, where Michelangelo used to go to obtain the blocks of marble. And that finds its outlet in Vermont, amidst social battles, tragic deaths, the splendor of the art of sculpture, amidst anarchic utopia, hope and tragedy.

Vencedor do prêmio de Melhor Documentário do Festival Internacional de Cinema de Roma.

Estreia Mundial:
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Elenco de O Rio de Pedra

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