Thug in Love


Thug in Love

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After a near fatal car accident, notorious mob heavy Lester Hackman rejoins his crime boss' operation with an altered state of mind - and heart. The term "Life is precious" couldn't be more prevalent at this point. The car accident killed his only family member, his local "palm reading" grandmother, and sent Lester into a short coma. Left alone now in his grandmother's house, Lester longs for companionship outside his "work" life. Soon, he finds that in the lovely real-estate agent, Sandy Reed, who offers to sell his house. Sandy has opened the curtain. A new life presents itself... When the police find his boss murdered in the local wasteland - "The Wash" - Lester's temporarily released from his weekly routine of collecting protection money and enforcing the norms of the Tujunga Valley. Now, Lester and Sandy are allowed the space they need to foster their intimate thoughts, feelings and mutual needs as any good healthy relationship would. All's good except for the neighboring crime ...

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