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  3. > Tim van Miert
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Tim is a fanatic filmmaker. A fan of the Hong Kong action. Tim himself practices Aikido is skilled with hand-weapons and now uses his directing and camera techniques to make flashy action movies, loaded with original and creative martial arts. He is also involved in choreographing the many spectacular fight scenes, Kung Fu and Gun Fu.

Tim, a former teacher, now often works together with the lead in most of his movies; Alan Sandoval. Tim also recently met the B-Pro Stunt Team, with whom he worked on Dodendans/Guns of Amsterdam after finishing award winning movies such as 'Kung Food', 'The Groovy and the Greasy' and 'Killer Toilet from Outer Space'.

Tim is planning on making the best martial arts, action and stunt movies ever done in the Netherlands, and with his enthusiasm, he probably will, with his production company 'A Better Tomorrow', slightly inspired by the likes of John Woo and Chow Yun Fat.

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