Turn Back Time: The High Street


Turn Back Time: The High Street

Média geral 4.3
baseado em 3 votos
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Turn Back Time – The High Street is a 2010 British reality documentary television series. The show started airing on BBC One on 2 November 2010 and ran for 6 episodes. The series is based and filmed in Shepton Mallet in Somerset, and sees four families experience life on the high street in various eras, namely the Victorian era, Edwardian era, 1930s, Second World War, 1960s and 1970s.

The series is narrated by Hugh Bonneville. Gregg Wallace, Juliet Gardiner and Tom Herbert are also involved in the series as the "Chamber of Commerce", keeping an eye on the activities of the families.

Estreia Mundial:
6 de Junho de 2012
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