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Média geral 0.8
baseado em 15 votos

Ficha técnica completa

Título Zombex (Original)
Ano produção 2011
Dirigido por
31 de Outubro de 2011 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 90 minutos
Países de Origem


ZOMBEX tells the story of a post-Katrina New Orleans as it deals with a new disaster, a zombie apocalypse. NOLA residents are no longer experiencing the depression and post-traumatic stress due to the trauma of the hurricane, thanks to the revolutionary ZOMBEX - a rogue, yet, "clinically-proven" anti-depressant pharmaceutical manufactured by a nefarious organization. For those who call the Big Easy their home, everything is just now turning around for them. Or, could it just be the drug, ZOMBEX, talking... Just as things are turning around for the city and its people, they once again must face a disaster of epic proportions. Only this time, they're dealing with the prospect of losing the people of New Orleans as they turn into the city's walking dead...

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