Citizen Soldier


Citizen Soldier

Média geral 3.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
105 minutos

CITIZEN SOLDIER is a dramatic feature film told from the point of view of a group of Soldiers in the Oklahoma Army National Guard's 45th Infantry Brigade Combat
Team known since World War II as the "Thunderbirds." Set in one of the most dangerous parts of Afghanistan at the height of the surge it is a heart-pounding|
heartfelt grunts' eye-view of the war. A modern day Band of Brothers Citizen Soldier tells the true story of a group of Soldiers and their life-changing tour of duty in Afghanistan offering an excruciatingly personal look into modern warfare brotherhood and patriotism. Using real footage from multiple cameras including
helmet cams these Citizen Soldiers give the audience an intimate view into the chaos and horrors of combat and in the process display their bravery and valor
under the most hellish of conditions.

Estreia Mundial:
5 de Agosto de 2016
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