I Can Do That (1ª Temporada)


I Can Do That (Season 1)

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Média geral 4.2
baseado em 7 votos
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Six star entertainers rival each other competing and showcasing their talents with some chosen classic and unique acts that need skills they will learn to implement practicing with the original acts. After a week of training, they re-perform their acts live, with the public voting on the best re-enacted act of the week. The audience's vote for the best act of the week corresponds to the amount of points the celebrity gains for that week with; 1st earning 3 points, 2nd earning 2 points, and 3rd earning 1 point. At the end of 6 weeks, the celebrity with the most points earns the title of "The Greatest Entertainer".

Estreia Mundial:
26 de Maio de 2015
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