Ikut Aku ke Neraka


Ikut Aku ke Neraka

Outros títulos
  • Follow Me to Hell - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 2.5
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12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 90 minutos

The happiness of Lita and her husband Rama do not last long because Lita is often terrorized by creepy female creatures. Rama brings Mr. Adam to clean their house from the ghost disturbance. Mr Adam explaines that this terror does not come from the house but from inside Lita herself. Mr Adam gives a hint that the answer is in Lita's past, by asking for an explanation from Sari, the mother she left behind. Sari is admitted to a mental hospital.

Estreia Mundial:
11 de Julho de 2019
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