My Enemy, My Brother


My Enemy, My Brother

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Média geral 4.0
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18 minutos

MY ENEMY, MY BROTHER is the real life story about two former enemies who become blood brothers for life: Zahed Haftlang was an Iranian boy who ran away from home to join the army. Najah Aboud was a 19-year old Iraqi who had been conscripted to fight in the war, leaving behind his wife and son. Both men fought in the Iran-Iraq war where Zahed finds Najah injured in a bunker and decides to risk his own life to save him. Zahed kept Najah alive for days, after which Najah was finally taken as a prisoner of war. Their lives diverge and they don't see nor hear of one another for 20 years until one day they meet by sheer coincidence in Vancouver.

Estreia Mundial:
17 de Abril de 2015
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