O Último Gato Faminto


The Last Hungry Cat

Outros títulos
  • Frajola e Piu-Piu: O Último Gato Faminto - Brasil
  • Frajola e Piu-Piu em Salve-se Quem Puder: O Último Gato Faminto - Brasil
  • Sylvester and Tweety's Crazy Capers: The Last Hungry Cat - Estados Unidos da América
Média geral 4.4
baseado em 5 votos
Sua avaliação:
7 minutos

Sylvester Cat slips when making a grab for Tweety Bird in Granny's flat, and falls dazed to the floor as one of Tweety's feathers lands in his mouth. Tweety runs off. Sylvester comes to and finds the feather lodged between his lips. He thinks he has swallowed and killed Tweety and suffers terrible remorse as an Alfred Hitchcock-like voice-over chides him for his "crime". Sylvester cracks, runs into the streets confessing, and returns to Granny's place, where he finds he didn't eat Tweety after all.

Estreia Mundial:
2 de Dezembro de 1961
Outras datas

Elenco de O Último Gato Faminto

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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.


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