Say! Young Fellow


Say! Young Fellow

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Whenever The Young Fellow is troubled or undecided, The Hunch, a miniature version of The Young Fellow, perches on his shoulder offering common-sense advice and encouragement. Consequently, when The Young Fellow, recently hired as a cub reporter for The New York Herald , is assigned to interview a noted financier who earlier refused to admit a star reporter, he screws up his courage, scales the millionaire's wall and forces the interview from him at the point of a gun. The editor, much impressed, then asks the young man to unearth the facts concerning a scheme to defraud a group of minor stockholders in the town of Melford. Unless certain papers in the possession of an old bachelor are delivered to a board meeting, the villainous financier will win complete control of a local company, and the stockholders will lose their investments. With the aid of his Hunch, the aging bachelor's attractive secretary and The Young Fellow's spinster landlady, the determined reporter thwarts the millionaire and his gang of thugs, delivers the papers on time and obtains a sensational story. In the process, he captures the secretary's heart, while the spinster wins the kindly bachelor.—AFI

Estreia Mundial:
16 de Junho de 1918
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