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Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
Usuário desde Novembro de 2012
Grau de compatibilidade cinéfila
Baseado em 0 avaliações em comum

You better get up out the way,
Tomorrow we'll rise so we fight today,
I don't give a fuck what you think and say,
Because we are gonna rock this whole place anyway.
You come at me,
You better know I move quick and when I do,
I slice like a goddamn hammer.
That message is for the people who want to make evil, not just for me, also for people that I love. I wish for all who love me... peace, love, respect, happiness and faith. I do not advocate this theory wishing health for enemies to see my happiness, fuck them. So if you're here trying to make evil... get the fuck out of here you son of a bitch. You have been warned…

Meaning of Life
What will become of us in life? What to expect for our lives?
Wait or act? Meet? Seek, and get ready! But what's the point?
But which direction? Listening the mind and also the heart?
Need suggestions? To know how? Or just know if we join all our faith? Believing in a God. Be Christ, Buddha… My Lord or your God. No matter the name. No matter how. Life is a set, nothing is loose. It has rhythm, it has pulse. In any case, is as
We are not only. Not walking. We have a lap. Stepped ground
And nothing is in vain. Be a strange brother or a friend, a thief...
We must give them a hand. We did not come for a walk. We had a beginning, we have a future and we are in the middle
Much has gone, there is much to do. Spirit, physical, mental
We have come to grow up!

I’d like to say a few more words, we’re living in a world which has been destroyed by all of us daily, is necessary and we must act fast. Do not think that will be an easy fight, however we have within us all the weapons necessary for this battle. We have our hearts and our minds. Love and respect to the next so we will restore family values and so does not win a battle as the war too.


Últimas opiniões enviadas

  • Filmow

    O Oscar 2017 está logo aí e teremos o nosso tradicional BOLÃO DO OSCAR FILMOW!

    Serão 3 vencedores no Bolão com prêmios da loja Chico Rei para os três participantes que mais acertarem nas categorias da premiação. (O 1º lugar vai ganhar um kit da Chico Rei com 01 camiseta + 01 caneca + 01 almofada; o 2º lugar 01 camiseta da Chico Rei; e o 3º lugar 01 almofada da Chico Rei.)

    Vem participar da brincadeira com a gente, acesse https://filmow.com/bolao-do-oscar/ para votar.
    Boa sorte! :)

    * Lembrando que faremos uma transmissão ao vivo via Facebook e Youtube da Casa Filmow na noite da cerimônia, dia 26 de fevereiro. Confirme presença no evento https://www.facebook.com/events/250416102068445/

  • Tatiana Costa
    Tatiana Costa

    666 pak avenue

  • Tatiana Costa
    Tatiana Costa

    filme Possessao muito bom, ta no cinema mas ja da p ver online!

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