A Mulher da Neve


Kaidan yukijorô

Outros títulos
  • Ghost Story of the Snow Witch - Estados Unidos da América
  • Ghost Story of the Snow Fairy - Estados Unidos da América
  • The Snow Woman - Estados Unidos da América
Dirigido por:
Média geral 3.9
baseado em 46 votos
Sua avaliação:
80 minutos

One of the best and least known of Daiei's horror films of the late 60s, during the final days of their greatness. Based on the same Lafcadio Hearn "Yuki Onna" story told in Masaki Kobayashi's classic film "Kwaidan", but otherwise unrelated, Kaidan Yuki Jorou features one of the most beautiful and unforgettable female monsters in all of Japanese cinema. The word "jorou" literally translates to "prostitute" in Japanese, but the symbolic sense here is one of corruption or evil, in contrast with the visual purity of snow. Consideration of the story of "Snow White" may illustrate the idea in the choice of title, particularly as the character of the title character is in no way a whore, but does possess both a light and a dark side.

Estreia Mundial:
20 de Abril de 1968
Outras datas
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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