Mulheres de Ryazan


Бабы рязанские

Outros títulos
  • Women of Ryazan - Estados Unidos da América
Média geral 4.1
baseado em 19 votos
Sua avaliação:
67 minutos

The first interest of the film is its depiction of a rural community just before and after WWI (yes, the time of the Russian Revolution). However, unlike other Soviet films, “Women of Ryazan”, while being lyrical and beautifully photographed, has a real plot and never leaves it aside. The plot is mostly about the fate of two women (blond Anna and dark-haired Wassilissa), the first being a dutiful (if not submissive) doomed soldier’s wife, the latter, more lively and energetic, who will openly defy the old way of life.

Estreia Mundial:
17 de Dezembro de 1927
Outras datas

Elenco de Mulheres de Ryazan

Denunciar algo errado
  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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