A Ira dos Anjos: A vingança final


Rage of Angels: The Final Revenge

Média geral 3.9
baseado em 18 votos
Sua avaliação:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 191 minutos

This highly successful tv-miniseries is perhaps the one that ignited the success of the miniseries genre. Although, there are others who came before this, it was RAGE OF ANGELS who ignited the "mania." Of course, there was Richard Chamberlain starring in all those other successful miniseries based on books and him as a King of the genre but it was Jaclyn Smith's "Jennifer Parker" that gave the glitter and excitement and that finally,a woman is about to claim a throne and she really shine in this beautifully adapted version of Sidney Sheldon's novel.

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Elenco de A Ira dos Anjos: A vingança final

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