Christmas Slay


Christmas Slay

Média geral 0.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 95 minutos

On a wintry Christmas Eve in the picturesque Kentish countryside, a loving family is horrifically murdered and a Santa Claus obsessed bloodthirsty killer is captured.

The following year, a group of college girlfriends decide to get away from it all and relax and party over the Christmas holiday. They decide to escape to the idyllic Mistletoe Lodge nestled within the beautiful snowy mountains of the Scottish Highlands, what starts off as the perfect festive getaway of fun in the snow and a glass of eggnog or two, suddenly descends into a gruesome bloodbath of terror and a fight for survival…

Estreia Mundial:
11 de Novembro de 2015
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