Dente por Dente


Tit for Tat

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  • Olho por Olho - Brasil
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Média geral 4.2
baseado em 23 votos
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19 minutos

Stan & Ollie have set up their own electrical repair store. Unfortunately, for them, the grocery store opposite is run by the man & wife they encountered with in Them Thar Hills (1935). Stan & Ollie go and visit, to offer the hand of friendship, but the grocer soon becomes convinced that Ollie is trying to seduce his wife. The grocer takes his revenge first upon Stan & Ollie and then upon the goods in their shop, with the duo carrying out similar attacks on the grocer and his property.

Estreia Mundial:
5 de Janeiro de 1935
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Elenco de Dente por Dente

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