Love's Sweet Recipe


Love's Sweet Recipe

Média geral 3.6
baseado em 4 votos
Sua avaliação:
85 minutos

Talented chef, Courtney Preston’s life has been turned upside down ever since the passing of her father, who was the master chef of her family’s famous restaurant. Now her family business is failing, her love life is in shambles, her passion for cooking has died and her childhood best friend and fellow chef Jake Turner has left town to find work in the big city. Armed with only sheer will and a family heirloom her father left behind called the “Rule Book of Love” to guide the way, Mandy is determined to turn her life around. An amazing opportunity presents itself and Jake returns home to help. With the Rule Book of Love and her heart now leading the way, Mandy’s passion for cooking is reignited and she finds love in a place she least expected.

Estreia Mundial:
16 de Maio de 2021
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