Maniac Tales


Maniac Tales: Relatos inquietantes

Média geral 2.5
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 108 minutos

Maniac Tales tells the story of Juan, a Mexican illegal immigrant in New York, who is offered a job as a doorman in an old building of the city. It turns out that the screenwriter of "Maniac Tales", a very popular TV series, lives in the building but has disappeared with the script of the last episode of the season, and a reward is offered to whomever can find that script. Juan decides to investigate and search for it, and when he gets into the screenwriter's apartment he finds out that the TV series hides creepy secrets which are related to the building.

Skull of Desire
The Perfect Moment
The Visit

Estreia Mundial:
17 de Março de 2017
Outras datas

Elenco de Maniac Tales

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