


Outros títulos
  • 봉자 - Coreia do Sul
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92 minutos

To the headstrong Bongja, a kimbap (dried laver) peddler, life revolves around daily routines which include making kimbap in a small neighborhood restaurant near the train station. While she is in her mid-30s, an age when you should well know the ways of the world, her nature still remains innocent and even pure. Her rather monotonous life is overturned when a teenage girl who possesses aspects of both the angelic and the demonic takes over Bongja's home. But the older woman cannot stop her guest's frivolous antics. Yet amongst all the irritating changes that take place, Bongja feels a new strange emotion stirring within, a feeling that develops into love and disaster...

Estreia Mundial:
25 de Novembro de 2000
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