Punk's Not Dead


Pankot ne e mrtov

Média geral 2.2
baseado em 5 votos
Sua avaliação:
104 minutos

Mirsa is a punk who is trying to put up with the struggles of everyday life in Skopje. One day he was offered to play for some multicultural-happening in Debar. Actually, all he ever wants is to play again with his punk band, so he accepts the offer. The next step is to find all former members of the band and make them play again... His ex-girlfriend is coming back to him and she is helping him to find the former members of the band. Punk's not dead gives good message - we should keep on trying to make our dreams come true.

Estreia Mundial:
15 de Abril de 2011
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.


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