


Outros títulos
  • 썸머타임 - Coreia do Sul
Média geral 2.1
baseado em 8 votos
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103 minutos

In the gloomy 80s, Sang-ho is wanted by the authorities for his participation in the student movement. Parting with his colleagues, Sang-ho happens to end up in a town on the outskirts, a town he has no connection to. The place where he is in hiding is the second floor of a worn down wooden house. Spending his time idly in the room, one day, Sang-ho discovers a hole looking into the room downstairs by chance. Casually looking through the hole, Sang-ho exhales.
At first, Sang-ho tries to avoid looking, out of guilt. However, before he knows it, he is drawn to the hole. Every gesture she makes is very captivating and seductive. He watches her body, feels her, and takes her into his heart.
She lives a confined life, like Sang-ho. Her husband locks the door from the outside as he goes to work. Then one day, Sang-ho sees Tae-yeol drop his keys on his way out. Picking up the keys, Sang-ho hesitates before opening the door and going in. Sang-ho is very used to seeing Hee-ran lying face down while engaged in sex with her husband. Seeing Hee-ran in the same position, Sang-ho approaches her. He caresses her in the same order as her husband. As she feels Sang-ho's touch, Hee-ran receives him out of habit.
Sang-ho goes to Hee-ran again. This time, he does not caress her like he usually does. Thinking it strange, Hee-ran turns around. The gaze of the two crisscross heatedly. Sang-ho guiltily hangs his head when Hee-ran strokes his face tenderly. They share a powerful and passionate kiss.

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